Has any Ranter wondered why both the boy blunder Jared and Ivanky testified before the J6 Committee under oath? Surely, this put a damper on their relationship with the corrupt and incompetent, insurrection fomenting "billionaire" orange clown, right?

Not if both knew that Saudi's Mohammed bin Salman was going to invest $2Bn into boy blunder's little dog and pony show's "investment fund" of which boy blunder has zero experience in running and managing. Oh! Did I mentions that MbS's own people strongly advised against it?

Side bar to a bit of U.S. history: When President John F. Kennedy appointed his brother as Attorney General, Republicans had a hissy-fit and freaked out by passing an anti-nepotism law against presidents hiring family members.

Remember when Orange Clown Trump put boy blunder Jared into the White House (even after he failed a security clearance), Trump's Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel ruled, essentially, that Trump could ignore the above mentioned law?

So who needs a corrupt and incompetent, insurrection fomenting "billionaire" orange clown dad and father-in-law, when you have an actual $2Bn dollars of your own and those billion dollars are real and not highly leveraged assets?

Could the boy blonder have negotiated with the J6 Committee that in exchange for his testimony, he would never be charged with a crime while working in the Trump Administration? Just spit-balling here. Because there is a lot of evidence that good ol' Jared shared a lot of classified information with MsB which lead to the death of Washington Post writer Jamal Khashoggi with his newly acquired security clearance after Jared helped MbS come to power by sharing US intelligence withMbS?

Remember, right after Trump was sworn into office in 2017, Trump's very first visit foreign visit was to the Arab world? Shortly thereafter, MbS began arresting his royal political foes and family members, apparently using information from inside US intelligence agencies, which is how he came to power.

This should be an even bigger scandal requiring a counter intelligence investigation with treason and espionage charges in the end. Is this why certain Republicans are trying to go after the CIA in order to spy on it’s intelligence gathering of Jarvanka? Jared should be facing some serious charges over this, made worse by MbS ignoring ol' Joe and keeping oil prices artificially inflated hoping that Jared ends up back in power.

I'm just sayin'. smile