Originally Posted by Greger
We are less than a millimeter away from full throated authoritarian state fascism

So what do you figger a "millimeter" means as a measure of time? It's pretty little thing...

is it a day?

A week?

A year?

WIll the 2022 midterms mark our descent from a democracy into full-throated authoritarian state fascism?

Or will it be after the 2024 Presidentials? How long after?

Seems to me you should be speaking in terms of kilometers not millimeters.

I can't do that thing you're doing....sorry.
You know, that kind of IDGAF + It Can't Happen Here thing.

It's certainly your prerogative but I just can't do it.
History shows how fast things begin to move suddenly when a political party decides to declare total war and completely upend a set of values that a nation is founded on.

This nation was founded as a republic based on the values of its constitution, one of which is democracy which, while not mentioned by word, is enshrined in the power of the vote and the Bill of Rights.

And the Republican Party is using every bit of the Putin playbook to dismantle all of it. They are literally out for blood...this isn't politics as usual anymore, Greger.

Think about it, the CPAC was held in Hungary, Viktor Orban's Hungary, the Hungary that now wants to see democracy turned into a shell, a 180 degree polar reversal of the Hungary of 1956.

What more does one need to realize that the target is liberal democracy in America by force and by bloodshed if they deem it necessary.

I get it, you're sure a full coup d'etat will never happen, or if it does, that life will go on and business as usual, or maybe I'm wrong and you have a different view altogether.

I see mass political insanity and a functional idiocracy of a nation that can't comprehend the true nature of the political comet coming to wipe out "business as usual".
I see a political Chixilub.

I see a political Pompeii.