Your disingenuous simplification is misleading.

I am a pragmatic liberal. What that means is we face problems and situations which are not mentioned or even thought of during the time of the writing of the Constitution, and to limit governance to only the words and not the spirit of the Constitution would be to limit the US to nothing but a group of independent entities with an umbrella designation of the United States.

Conservatives may like to claim they adhere to the original words in the Constitution but you know they are not just disingenuous but in may cases outright lying. A case in point is the current draft for overturning Roe. J Alito talks about not being in the Constitution and therefore etc etc. Based on his argument and lack of restraint vis a vis stare decisis, he would lead the court to overturn every precedent from Marbury on. I mean after all we have to adhere to what is in the Constitution. This is nothing more than political/religious ideology and not Constitutional law.

So conservatives should be calling for return to 1789, to ensure we can not possibly face modern problems. I mean .... I like tearing up all the infrastructure in America .... I like not having a standing army .... I like making individual choices to go to war, or common sense health care prophylactics, or disbanding corporations ... in fact the govment can't tell me to do nothing cuz the Constitution doesn't say they can. Of course the states can do whatever they want, because they are local ... or maybe we should beat the state governments back .... personally I like city states .... frak the other city states .... if they solve a problem, thats their problem ...

I like where this is going .... I already have a mountaintop picked out .... only one road to it and it will be protected by .... well use your imagination