Speaking of name-calling...
Meghan McCain called Steve Schmidt a "pedophile" over the weekend and he just blew a gasket. Steve started dropping dimes on Megs and how she's an entitled spoiled brat who is unaccomplished (Meg's recent book only sold 234 copies), leaving her on a tarmac because she was late and people were waiting for her father to arrive at the destination - and probably the worst insult ever - Steve likened Megs to the Trump kids.
Steven didn't stop there! He unleashed on Sarah Palin and how she lied about everything in her background to the 2008 McCain Campaign.
Then he unleashed on Paul Manafort and Rick Davis insisting both are Russian assets who caused havoc in Ukraine and why is Rick Davis even near the McCain institute as John McCain was severely anti-Russian.
Rightwing infighting never gets old.