I like my comfort zone. I’m more than willing to take small steps forward, gigantic leaps that take me out of my comfort zone tends to upset me. There’s times I’m not quite sure what I am. I do support the democrats on some issues, the GOP on others. Quite a lot of issues I just don’t give a dang. I took one of those are you a liberal or conservative test. I came out a social libertarian, whatever that is. Which simply means according to the test that on social issues, I’m on the left or liberal and on fiscal issues, right or conservative. Although I don’t think those who call themselves fiscal conservatives today are. All they believe in is low taxes. A true fiscal conservative or a traditional conservative believes in fiscal responsibility. Your revenue should match your outflow. In order to get there, if you have to raise taxes, you do it. If you have to cut spending you do it. Usually it takes both.