I don't think we need to worry much about VP Harris. She'll be gone, along with old Joe, and the wind, before too many years. Probably replaced by Republicans unless Democrats find the magic bullet to end this economic malaise we find ourselves in today.

I don't exactly buy into the apocalyptic horror stories some here have spun. Because they are little different from the horror stories spun by the other side. Socialism/fascism will be the end of democracy if we let the other side gain an inch. There is no hope for compromise because the other side won't compromise enough.

Oh, woe is us.

Feck that nonsense, you know? Other than casting a vote every two years, I am simply an observer. Floating down a river. I know that the land of milk and honey lies on the left bank of the river...but the hippos and the crocodiles are thick...all who drift too far that way are quickly eaten.

But the same is true for the other side. Trump got eaten. The rest of his minions will be slowly gobbled up. Bernie got eaten...the timing was wrong. The hippos too thick.

They don't eat you y'know, they kill you just for the hell of it. The crocodiles feed around the hippos, but they'll kill you too. Some places there are piranhas. Other places, deadly serpents...

It's a linear game and there's never a do-over. You play until you die.