Originally Posted by pdx rick
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You're pro'lly saying to yourself:
Boy! That guy walking around the Tulsa Mall like that pro'lly got arrested.
You'd be wrong. Dude traipsing around like that is perfectly legal in Oklahoma. Police did find a pair of brass knuckles on him though, and THAT is a misdemeanor. Guess the brass knuckle lobby isn't very strong in OK.

Tulsa World.com
That dude mostly looks stupid. A-holes like this give law enforcement a headache. As the article notes, “quite honestly, nobody needs to be walking down the street with a rifle,” Rogers County Sheriff Scott Walton said in an interview about dealing with such situations. “But I don’t make the laws; we just try to live by them and do a very difficult job in a world that’s got those people in it.”

Later, the local prosecutor lamented, some people “want to push the envelope and draw a response.”

“They want law enforcement to make an arrest on a legal possession so that they can institute some type of lawsuit for some kind of false arrest,” Kunzweiler said.

He also said that comes with a heavy amount of decision-making and examination from law enforcement to determine whether anything illegal is actually happening.

The Sheriff agreed. "What would I want my daughters-in-law to do if they had my grandkids and saw someone like that?”