Speaking of privacy, we still have HIPAA, which makes it illegal for medical workers to tell others private medical info. So how does this apply in Texas, where people not entitled to private medical information are supposed to sue people involved in an abortion? How would they know who to sue? Is all their "evidence" fruit of a poisoned tree, to use the legal term?

And Jews attacking the constitutionality of state anti-abortion laws is because the current Supreme Court values Freedom of Religion over every other consideration. The constitution explicitly forbids all government (including state governments) from supporting one religion over any other. So they can't say Christianity requires xyz so it's the law, while ignoring the requirements of Judaism. Or Islam. Or LDS! Enforcing one religion's beliefs as law, leads to all sorts of ridiculous results. Keeping government and religion strictly apart solves all of them. It's going to take a while, but religious people will figure this out when they realize other religions have to be treated equally.