Greetings from the always-absent landlord here at RR. As may of you may know, both my wife and I came down with COVID-19 (the latest variant) just before Memorial Day and I thought I had recovered but then my underlying chronic bronchitis kicked in and I was in and out of the hospital several times in June.

My apologies. I'm getting sick and tired of doctors ending all sentences about my medical conditions with "at your age." Supposedly, I am now back on my feet fo the time being and hope to get back to work fully this week.

My thanks to those who have used the donation button on the RR home page to provide some always-needed operating funds. If I could devote more time here, maybe things will improve. Your help is much appreciated.

I was able to see Cassidy Hutchins' incredibly brave testimony before the Select Committee. If a 25-year-old junior aide will put her career on the line, why can't our aged leaders provide what they owe to the American people?

Please let me know if anyone needs help on anything in dealing with RR. I am still seeking an alternative software but have been stymied by problems transferring all the data to a new system and the final cost of what it might take. I'm hoping to find something that will work.

Thanks to all of you for supporting and being part of RR.

If you've noticed, the news side of CHB is not updated more often and I'm trying to write two to three columns a week to help improve our readership. Ideas and comments are always welcome.
