Anyone following this Steve Bannon stuff? Apparently, Steve Bannon ignored the J6 committee subpoena because Trump’s lawyers said to claim Executive Privilege. Then some courts got involved and even ol’ Joe denied Executive Privilege to Bannon. Then a July trial for contempt was scheduled for this week. Then Bannon said Trump’s lawyers said it was ok for Bannon to testify and now he’s going to testify to the J6 Committee, but will do so only if allowed to testify live.

Apparently last night, the DOJ filed a late briefing from Trump’s council that stated Trump never instructed Bannon to invoke Executive Privilege. Apparently Steve Bannon made all of this up and wasted everyone’s time and money.

Wow! Sounds like some unkempt hobo thinks he’s so damn smart and smarter than everyone else in the room, is in a world of hurt in the very near future.

Perhaps something like a firing squad is able to rectify this situation. smile