Clarence might be a "traitor to his race", but I think that kind of racial politics is mostly nonsense. But he IS a traitor to the constitution and the ideals of the people who wrote it. The were pretty adamant that church and state had nothing to do with each other. They knew all about a state religion, given England's history of conflict because of intertwining the two. (Marjorie Taylor Green needs to study just a tiny bit of history!)

The problem is that the US government can't promote any religion over any other, so once you give one religion special powers over secular matters, all religions are entitled to those powers. This will lead to all sorts of mischief, when we have to allow Muslim, Hindoo, Scientology, Satanism, etc. public monuments, prayers in schools, religious holiday exemptions, religious accommodations that go against public safety, and so forth. Evangelicals need to be careful what they wish for.