Oh my!
Alex Jones had a really bad, horrible day in a court trial today. The trial concerns the exact amount of damages Jones is liable for over defaming the parents of the Sandy Hook massacre victims, whose children he claimed were crisis actors staged by the government. He was found liable for the underlying defamation last year.
Apparently, the digital contents of Alex Jones' phone (text, emails) for the past two years we dropped, by error, into a shared file used by both sides to exchange information.
The plaintiff's lawyer in the case used the information to show the court that Alex Jones committed perjury. The plaintiff's lawyer brought this information to Alex's attention while Alex was on the witness stand. The plaintiff's lawyer asked Alex Jones, "Do you know what perjury is?"
Do you know where I got this. Mr. Jones, did you know 12 days ago your attorneys messed up and sent me an entire digital copy of your entire cell phone, with every text message you’ve sent for the past two years? And when informed, did not take any steps to identify it as privileged, or protected in any way? And as of two days ago, it fell free and clear into my possession. And that is how I know you lied to me when you said you didn’t have text messages about Sandy Hook. Did you know that?
BUT!!! That's not even the worst part! The phone also had child sexualized images on it as well. Tsk, tsk, kiddie porn Alex? Ya' pervert!

The J6 Committee has already subpoenaed Jones' phone records from today's trial so they can review the files for J6 material. I'm sure the DoJ will discuss the kiddie porn matter with Alex as well.