Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
I think Anne Heche is going to die, if not dead already. She was high on something and crashed her car into a West LA house. It started a fire, and it was quite a while before fire fighters got it put out. They wheeled her body out in a body bag, but then she sat up before they got her into the ambulance. Massive burns and lung damage, no doubt. People don't come back from that. Nasty way to go.

She crashed into an apartment complex, people ran out to help her exit the car, but she slammed it in reverse and went off jackrabbiting down the road and this time she crashed into a HOUSE, and that house caught fire.

You know, Anne Heche says she grew up in a very awful family, and she wrote in her autobiography that she's insane and that she lives in a "fourth dimension" and had an alter ego who was the daughter of God and half-sister of Jesus Christ named "Celestia" who communicated with aliens. Then she concluded that Celestia and the rest of her demons were a thing of the past.

I'm guessing Celestia wrestled the wheel away from her because crashing into an apartment, jamming it into reverse and crashing into another home, is sorta kinda insane, especially that jamming into reverse and crashing again part.

Sad that she's so gravely injured. It's going to be awfully hard to work her way back from that one.