So how do we go about seeing to it that they do cost them?

We do the only things the constitution allows us to do...

We vote. We support candidates we like. We run for office ourselves.

Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. That's what makes it a democracy.

Scott was my governor for eight long years, I despise the man more than you can know.
I have no idea how crooks like him and Trump get elected in the first place, nor how they get away with the blatant lies. And folks like them invariably gravitate to the republican party.
McConnell shunned him as a crackpot, which also implies much about the party itself.

The entire right-wing phenomenon is based on lies and bullsh*t and bigotry. A kind of white trash snootiness that pervades the whole party.

Like rumors through the trailer park. Amid the scent of garbage and old wet charcoal.

The lies are more entertaining than the truth, and the truth is a matter of opinion.

But once a majority of them believe the lies, they get to implement the policies they choose.

Which fail. And their asses get booted to the curb again. Because it's all based on lies.

And we, like Sysiphus, are doomed never to achieve our lofty goals...