Trump is now revealed as a traitor to America. So are his MAGA maggots.
September 9, 2022If any of you out there still consider yourself a MAGA supporter of Donald J. Trump, consider yourself also a conspirator traitor to America. MAGA really stands for Malicious Anti-Americans & Goddamn Anarchists. Trump is unmasked as a clear violator of the Espionage Act, which makes him a traitor to this nation and a clear and present danger to our national security.
Legal documents dealing with Trump’s latest crime spree clearly state that this is a case of Donald J. Trump vs. The United States of America.
Apparent co-conspirators include Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Ca), the House Minority Leader and now the second highest traitor, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), the brain-dead Senator who never met a conspiracy he could not embrace, Sen. Marc Rubio ( R-FL), another denier of the valid and legal election that dumped Trump in 2020 and too many others who put party above patriotism and personal greed and lust for power above what is needed for the nation.
Some appear to have seen the light, including Trump’s former Attorney General, William Barr, who says Trump is guilty of sedition and obstruction of justice, and just about every sane person left in what’s left of the nation’s Capitol that Trump tried, and nearly, destroyed.
That’s just part of what Trump is deservedly facing in legal circles. A federal grand jury is probing his fraudulent use of his political action committee to raise badly needed funds to keep himself and his House of Cards real station operations afloat and another grand jury down in Atlanta is closing in on his criminal actions in trying to overturn the election he lost by using fake electors.
Report Alan Feuer, Maggie Haberman, Adam Goldman, and Kenneth P. Vogel in the New York Times:
The fact that federal prosecutors are now seeking information about the fund-raising operation is a significant new turn in an already sprawling criminal investigation into the roles that Mr. Trump and some of his allies played in trying to overturn the election, an array of efforts that culminated with the mob attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
The expanded Jan. 6 inquiry is playing out even as Mr. Trump is also under federal investigation on an entirely different front: his decision to hold onto hundreds of government documents marked as classified when he left office and his failure to comply with efforts by the National Archives and the Justice Department to compel their return.
In Trump’s case, so much crime and so little time for him to run and hide,
Trump, as usual, is ranting and raving and lying. Newsweek reports:
The former president on Thursday lashed out in a post to his Truth Social network after the DOJ signaled it would appeal a judge’s approval of a special master that has said it will slow its investigation of Trump’s alleged hoarding of classified documents. The appeal is the latest in the legal wrangling following the FBI‘s court-approved search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in August.
“So now the FBI & Biden Department of ‘Justice’ leakers are going to spend Millions of Dollars, & vast amounts of Time & Energy, to appeal the Order on the ‘Raid of Mar-a-Lago Document Hoax,’ by a brilliant and courageous Judge whose words of wisdom rang true throughout our Nation, instead of fighting the record setting corruption and crime that is taking place right before their very eyes,” Trump said in the post.
Trump’s claims of a “brilliant and courageous judge” refers to the inexperienced U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon, a novice appointed by him in the closing days of his one and only term as president and who has come under fire from legal experts as someone in over her head who has made many mistakes and misjudgment in her brazen attempt to help the man who put her into a job she is clearly not qualified for.
Writes Mark Sumner:
It should have been possible to see what was coming when Donald Trump’s team of highly unqualified attorneys managed to submit Trump’s complaint incorrectly, and the judge gave them a do-over. Then the complaint came in, missing everything necessary, and the judge sent instructions on exactly what she wanted to see. And now the Trump-appointed judge has broken with all legal precedent and written wholly new law in the process, all to give Donald Trump exactly what he wanted: a special master.
Judge Aileen Cannon didn’t stop at saying she intends to appoint a special master, she insists that the federal government provide a more detailed list of the documents taken—a list to be shared with Trump. Only she seems to have missed even more steps in the process than Trump’s attorneys did, like even sending the suit to the supposed “defendant,” or giving any reason why her court can intervene in any way.
The Department of Justice Thursday filed notices of appeal to Cannon’s poorly written order and has given her one week to make changes before they turn the matter over to the 11th District Federal Appeals Judge to restore some order of law to her ramblings.
In the meantime, Trump’s former White House strategist Steve Bannon, facing charges of fraud by stealing funds from a program he ran that was supposed to raise money to help the failed Border Wall before Trump pardoned him in his final days in office, surrendered Thursday to New York authorities for the same crimes, where he faces up to 15 years in prison.
Charges are also expected to come to Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani for his role in trying to overturn the legal election in 2020 and trying to coerce local leaders in Georgia to create phony votes in that state.
Time is running out for Trump. The traitor is unmasked for all to see, all except for his co-conspirators who plan to go down with him in disgrace and their own criminal charges for treason, fraud, and obstruction of justice.
About damn time.
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