What this shows is half of Democrats and half of Republicans think at some time in the near future the other party’s election officials will overthrow legitimate election results to make their party win.

I trust it because I know how it works. It's broken into so many tiny elections that it's impossible to hijack. It's overseen by locals under strict sets of rules.

No matter which party is in charge they will most likely do their best to run clean elections.

They would never cheat! But they always think their opponents are doing it. Records over the years have shown that election malfeasance mostly exists in the minds of partisans.

Both propaganda arms have cast doubt on the integrity of our election system. Dems believe that Reeps are systematically reducing Democratic(Black) voters access to the polls...that they are purging voters from the rolls and cheating every chance they get...

Reeps believe there was massive voter fraud in the last election and probably massive voter fraud in any election they ever lost in the past or will ever lose in the future blah blah blah...

So yeah, both sides cast doubt on the security of the electoral system and it shows up in Pero's numbers just as you might imagine it would.

I'm just not the paranoid type and believe our election system is generally in good hands.