Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
The subpoenas are a good indication that the grand jury is busy, and the seizures that the DoJ is getting close. Trump world will have to start meeting on golf courses to plan their strategy.
You mean like the meeting Trump held at his Virginia Club on MO 09/12/22 where the entire group didn't have any golf clubs per Yahoo! News?

[Linked Image from uploads.disquscdn.com]
Although I think that there were nefarious undertakings going on during Trump's excursion to D.C., I think this was a meeting about his failing golf course. Of the folks identified in the photo, most are employees of the course, and the other activities in other photos seem to be about the course itself. The fellow in the red shirt is carrying marker flags - which I suspect are to identify points that need fixing on the course.

Just my take. I could be wrong.