Interesting idea:

§2383. Rebellion or insurrection
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

If Trump is convicted of crimes that were part of the insurrection (not just January 6th), then Judge Cannon could be charged with "giving aid or comfort", and indicted under federal statute 2383. There seems to be overwhelming opinion in the legal community, and her rulings themselves have also stated, that she is giving Donald Trump unprecedented aid. For example, his lawyers have never said in any of their filings that he declassified any documents, (out of fear of perjury, no doubt). Yet Judge Cannon herself brought up this idea in a ruling, based on no evidence or defendant claims. If that isn't "aid or comfort", I don't know what is.