Originally Posted by Greger
Their goal is American democracy is replaced with authoritarianism and one-party rule.

That's my goal too! Except it's the Democratic Party.

And you haven't been one to lean towards two-party/bi-partisan agreements/solutions much either...what's up with that?

Would Democratic authoritarianism be benevolent and kind to everyone? I like to think it would. With sensible legislation, most of the world's problems could be solved within months.

The superiority of liberal policy would be so apparent that a conservative would be ashamed to even run for office...

And we would all live happily ever after.

No authoritarians of any stripe please.
Lefty authoritarians, by the way, are the ones shaming everybody for views and values that they held thirty or forty years ago, and it's about stupid crap, like shaming Molly Ringwald for The Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles, or yelling at people over "cultural appropriation" because they like black music when they're white or vice versa.
Or how about all the pronoun nonsense? I can barely remember the two we started with.
Or "Latinx" because they're on a mission to shame Spanish speaking people for daring to have a sexist language that uses linguistic "gender" which means Latino or Latina....too sexist, YOUR language is WRONG and you have to change it: because white guilt!
I live in a 70% hispanic neighborhood and not a single person I know here takes "Latinx" seriously, they think it's an incredibly stupid made up term.

YeahNO...authoritarianism is toxic no matter which side it comes from.
I'll take plain old blue collar Bruce Springsteen Democrats, thanks.