There's a pretty good article over at The Atlantic about Merrick Garland and why he's struggling with the decision to indict. Ultimately, the author believes, an indictment is coming.

There's no question in anyone's mind about his guilt. So it's not so much that he's "above the law" as it is that the "law" simply doesn't know how to handle him.

For a Democrat AG to indict a former Republican President is just an awkward situation.

No matter how heinous the crimes.

The indictment needs to come down from a Republican, or it will be politically invalid. and will be answered with a pardon at the first opportunity and the weaponizing of the Department of Justice for partisan political purposes.

The fate of one idiot who grossly abused the power vested in him by American voters is not worth the damage it will do to the Justice system to prosecute him.

Minimizing that damage is key to preventing this sort of thing from happening again.

I don't care if he skates...he didn't get away with anything.

And I don't demand accountability from the rich, famous, and powerful or I'd walk around sad all day for nothing, y'know? I didn't vote for him. Not my monkey. The clowns I vote for wear blue noses.

To me, Trump is roadkill on the political highway. He is writhing about in agony, maybe he'll be able to walk away but his injuries will kill him. He is in the rearview mirror as far as I'm concerned. And you know what Enzo Ferrari said about rear-view mirrors...