A review of SCOTUS decisions since 2000:

  • Handed the 2000 election to George W. Bush. Bush v. Gore
  • Radically cut back the rights of unions to organize and represent workers. Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Council
  • Declared that billionaires buying politicians is merely “free speech” Citizens United v. FEC
  • Gutted the power of the EPA to regulate planet-destroying carbon pollution West Virginia v EPA
  • Ripped the heart out of both the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. Merrill v Mulligan
  • Remove from US citizens who move to (or live in) Puerto Rico the right to receive certain Social Security benefits. US v Vaello-Madero case.
  • Ended the 6th Amendment right of prisoners to challenge convictions when their lawyers were demonstrably corrupt or incompetent Shinn v Ramirez
  • Took away Miranda rights to remain silent, avoid self-incrimination, and know you have access to a lawyer. Vega v. Tekoh
  • Decided in two cases, Garland v. Gonzalez and in Johnson v. Arteaga-Martinez, that noncitizens often are not entitled to bond hearings or class-wide injunctive relief when screwed by the feds.
  • Ripped away 4th Amendment privacy rights against unreasonable search and seizure for all persons living within 100 miles of an ocean or our borders with Mexico or Canada (that’s two out of three American citizens Egbert v Boule
  • Overturned 50 years of precedent, the power to overrule states’ and tribes’ rules against pollution of their waterways. Louisiana v American Rivers
  • The Court allowed a coach to impose prayer on public school students because “religious liberty.” Kennedy v. Bremerton School District
  • The Court held that the Constitution of the United States does not confer a right to abortion. Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization