I agree with you on DeSantis. He doesn’t have Trump’s baggage, DeSantis has a pleasant personality, he’s not an obnoxious, uncouth, rude oaf. He is Trump 2.0 but with much more charisma and charm. Smooth perhaps and most important, much more political savvy. If you go back through history, beginning with IKE, you’ll find independents voted for the more charismatic candidate or the down-home boy in Carter’s and G.W. Bush are examples of the down home boy. Bill Clinton, Obama, Reagan had charisma up the ying yang. They won twice. Gore and Kerry were statues. Dukakis looked like an idiot in that tank. Carter the down-home boy was defeated by the charismatic Reagan. The stoic Ford lost to down home Carter. McCain fell into that category vs. Obama Etc.

What are elections other than beauty contests, popularity contests? People who take avid stances on the issues are already Republicans and Democrats. It’s those who are not affiliated and less to non-partisans that hold the decisive vote. Their finicky and at time wishy washy. As Greger calls them, the unwashed couch potatoes. 43% of the electorate fall into the non-affiliated group usually called independents. They’re a plurality of the electorate. To win elections, one needs to recognize that fact and play to them, try to attract their vote instead of just concentrating on one’s base.

Talking midterms, independents gave the Republicans the congress in 1994, they gave congress back to the democrats in 2006. Then turned around and gave the GOP the house in 2010 and then the senate in 2014. In 2018, independents switched to voting democratic as the Democrats took back the house. This year if the polls are correct, independents are going to give the house back to the republicans and maybe the senate to boot. It’s possible. Although I think a 50-50 tie is more likely.

You don’t have to convince me Rick. It’s all of America you must convince. Come to think of it, you’re not going to convince Republicans, but independents are open. Only independents see inflation, a thinning to flat wallet as this nation’s most important problem today. I just point this out.