I take it you think people are stupid if they don’t have the same political ideology and beliefs as you.
Clearly you have failed to comprehend anything I have typed.

So let's start with the definition from Cambridge: "showing poor judgment or little intelligence". The first thing you should notice is there is no reference to politics. Ignorance. Read my signature .... ignorance is the enemy. Yes people have a choice. They can remain ignorant i.e. show poor judgment, and therefore be stupid or they can educate themselves and elevate themselves from ignorance. Again notice nothing about my beliefs or politics.

So my stand by worn out claim is 60% of the electorate is stupid. Notice 60% is a far larger number than Trump's 30% - 45%, so it is not about who agrees with me, but who chooses to remain ignorant. Ignorance has no boundaries. It infects peoples of all criteria. It is democratic in that respect.

The second thing to note is people say things out of their ignorance. These folks are stupid. First for remaining ignorant and second for saying anything based on their ignorance.

Why do you never look at the crosstabs on the polling??? It's always the single bottom line result. It not worth anything unless you analyze the crosstabs. 70% of both D's and R's think the country is going in the wrong direction. How could that possibly be? Unless you look at the crosstabs and learn the reason are different for both groups. It's like the result 25% of each party thinks the other is destroying America. You think that is partisan whining. I say look at the reasons and learn Republicans think it's about policies, while Democrats think it's about actual destruction of Democratic institutions. We can disagree about policies but we can't disagree about the institutions upon which Democracy is founded.

You can stick your head in the sand and hope everything will be fine, or ensure Democracy is saved. You apparently believe this is all about policies. Nothing can be further from the truth. We are in a death match for the continuance of Democracy. Trumpists are banning books, burning books, writing legislation to disenfranchise people's rights, to disenfranchise voters, to stack election boards with people who are willing to ensure only Trumpists win elections, to call into question every democratic institution as unfaithful to Trump and therefore must be changed, etc.

While it may be true and valid there will be gridlock as never before seen in Washington, the real battle is in the states. If a significant number of states becomes more Trumpist, you can be assured only Trump loyalist Republicans can ever be elected or outright steal an election. The courts will become safe havens for Trump loyalists, morality police will become the norm, the FBI will be stacked with Trump loyalist who will be hell bent on revenge, etc. POlicy issues???? So should you type .... I never thought it could happen in America (how many times you gonna type that) .... remember you had a chance to analyze the events