"not a People person" says it all for Autism Spectrum Disorder which Musk has!
Must Autism SpectrumAs it is biological, not learned, do not expect him to change!
However, maybe he figured out a way to "sell short" on Twitter, and is impatient for his big payoff!

Ya heard it first here!

Too blunt a tool.
It's not accurate to just say: "Because
I am on the spectrum as an Aspie and I'm very much an outgoing and gregarious person.
I'm a bit on the dorky side but I try to take pride in being outgoing.
It's a very minor point because overall the assessment of Musk may be accurate, so all I am saying is, it's important to look at autism spectrum disorder not AS a "disorder" so much as a very individual case by case issue where each person on the spectrum is a bit different.
There are a few common traits shared by many but the way it works on them is often very different from person to person.
Case in point: Both Dan Aykroyd and Elon Musk are on the spectrum but would you say it's safe to cast them as having a lot of similar behavior patterns?
I think the folks who publish the DSM made a mistake when they removed the Asperger sub-type.