Originally Posted by perotista
Logroll, your video gave me an error, but never mind. I miss Greger, he may have been a far left socialist, but he was also a political realist who viewed all of America, not just the third who make up a political party’s base ignoring the other 2/3rds. His view of the political landscape encompassed everyone, left, right, middle, all of America. Most folks just view the political landscape through either dark red or dark blue colored glasses with old mule’s blinders on which prevents them from seeing the whole political landscape or picture. Greger was one of a few that viewed to total political landscape, everyone, not just the third with identical political ideology, beliefs and views as themselves.

He's welcome to return any time, no one has forced him to leave.
No one even suggested that he leave.
His membership status is unchanged.
I think everyone would like to see him back again but in the end it was his decision to take a vacation.