By the way, another conspirator has found an interesting way to invest his remaining time before sentencing:

RIO DE JANEIRO — While tens of thousands of supporters of President Jair Bolsonaro camp outside military facilities across Brazil to protest his '', members of Bolsonaro’s inner circle are meeting with advisers to former president Donald Trump to discuss next steps.
Brazilian congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro, the president’s son, has visited Florida since the Oct. 30 vote, meeting Trump at Mar-a-Lago and strategizing with other political allies by phone. He spoke with former Trump strategist Stephen K. Bannon, who was in Arizona assisting the campaign of GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, about the power of the pro-Bolsonaro protests and potential challenges to the Brazilian election results, Bannon said.

Steve Bannon is advising Bolsonaro on how to overturn the Brazilian election right here, right now, with IMPUNITY.
He's practicing so he can pull it off again next time over here, and I'm sure it would benefit him to have a lot of fascist friends in positions of power in South America.