Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
I think Bolsonaro is playing with fire: He's going to end up with Mussolini's end if he tries for a coup.

The CLNAI (National Liberation Committee for Northern Italy) is lucky that the townspeople happened to spot Mussolini's entourage trying to make a run for the Swiss border.
The exiled Italian government's court had sentenced Musso to death but he escaped their clutches and made a break for escape but when the townspeople caught him they effectively carried out the sentence of the Italian court in exile by taking matters into their own hands.

That does not diminish the validity of the Italian court sentence but it underlines just how close Musso came to outrunning justice and getting a chance at regrouping and ultimately retaking some slice of his former power.

One tiny group of Italian townspeople spared the world from further evil by the fascist warlord.
It should have been the courts, but in the end they missed the chance.

A simple fluke of fate.