There’s 70% of America left out there that usually gets totally ignored by one party or the other.
I don't think that's true at all. I would say the Republican Party works for the benefit of about 2% of the population, while the Democratic Party works for the benefit of about 98% of the population. Lots of the things Democrats work for benefit almost everybody, or even 100% on some issues.
For example, Covid measures: Trying to minimize the number of Covid deaths by lockdowns, masking, vaccination programs, etc. benefit Independents and Republicans just as much as Democrats. Tax provisions to lower economic inequality benefit people all across the political spectrum, by stimulating the economy. Making health care universal does too: Republicans are not magically immune to infectious diseases running rampant in the population.
This is the result of Democrats in all branches of the government looking for solutions to real problems that work and are fair. Republicans instead use "problems" that don't exist or are of their own making to manipulate voters, in order to consolidate their power.