Trump tried to destroy American democracy AND stole top secret national security docs
P does not respond to anything but recitations of polls. The polls on whether anyone is has a response to either is a divided 50-50, where one side believes it is significant and the other believes it is a nothing-burger. Based on that P would probably say since it is evenly divided it means there is nothing to see here, since the polling responses are partisan and not based on reality.
While P believed it was inconceivable that anyone would try to overthrow the government ... in America no less ... I was typing furiously alerting people to the very real possibility it was well within a narcissists purview to do just that. Even now as testimony is revealed it seems almost like a work of fiction by some demented mind the lengths Trump went to try and overthrow the government.
Nothing to see here????? .... I guess P would have said in 1865 .... that was a nothing-burger .... just partisans squabbling.
The conspiracy to overthrow the government will go down in history as one of the most significant events in American history, except in Florida where any mention will be deleted by Gov De Santos