If the Democrats find a way to stick Trump in jail
My God man!!!!!

This is not a partisan issue. Every Democracy loving American should want justice for an attack on our country, but you drone on and on about partisanship. Politicians committing crimes does not make their prosecution a partisan witch hunt. No person is above the law, unless you believe that is a partisan statement.

so what’s the problem?
I suspect the notion no one is above the law is a concept which eludes your comprehension. You have in essence become complicit in the Republican defense that the people involved in Jan 6 were simply tourists and are now political prisoners. In your pursuit of non-partisanship you have become a partisan.

Let me know if I am a partisan .... I don't care if they are left wing, right wing or chicken wing .... if a politician breaks the law, they should be prosecuted just as any other citizen would be.

I dunno know .... it befuddles me that anyone would look the other way when someone tries to overthrow the government.