Where we disagree on Trump is you all want him in jail, I don’t care if that is where he ends up or not. But we agree Trump has been bad for politics and the country and must go. How, I don’t care. You guys do care, you only want him in jail. We only differ on how he goes and where he ends up.
LOL .... I still you still don't get it.

You think he is bad for politics and I have to conclude that is about as partisan as one can get. For all your demonstrations about being non-partisan it turns out you are a Republican/conservative partisan i.e. Trump is bad for Republican/conservative politics.

I don't want him in jail because he is bad for politics, because I don't care how or why he is bad for politics, I want him in jail because he BROKE THE LAW!!!!!!! Perhaps you can explain how that is being partisan???? Don't consult a poll ... use your own words. Did he commit a crime? If not why not? if so what should be done? I suspect if he was a neighborhood Joe you would have the answers. Being a politician makes no difference to me regardless of which political persuasion he belongs. If you break the law, I hope to God someone prosecutes you, otherwise we live in a Darwinian survival fest, not a land ruled by law.