Originally Posted by rporter314
The Founders for all of their shortcomings, but in a moment of exquisite wisdom saw Democracy as the only real choice for All Men. I abhor the efforts of some Republicans to destroy the foundations of Democracy. And that is my concern, that some Americans fain patriotism while they publicly attempt to deconstruct the very State which allowed them the freedom to voice their poison.

While we may agree on a number of specific items, we have different opinions and beliefs regarding government. The Federal government is the glue which binds All Men into a single entity, and it is obligated by contractual agreement to perform certain duties. As long a the Federal government sustains their mandated responsibilities, I will remain in support of the Constitution and it's child, the Federal government.

Representative democracy, the founders, or should I say a fair bunch of them, including Jefferson, were not enamored of direct or pure democracy however they did see the strength of representative democracy and fulfilled that aim by enshrining the vote, at least to the class of people that they SAW as practical, namely white landowning men.
It fell to future generations OF progressives to extend that right to women, people of all faiths and races, the landed and the tenant alike.

This was the enshrining of "e pluribus unum", out of many, one.
And it is this very unity which is now being torn down by the political Right in this nation, in thought, word and deed.