That is a Republican Party problem. Not mine. I don’t worry about or fret over things I have no control over or can’t help or do anything about. As for Pence, Republicans did see him when he was governor of Indiana as a rising star. Note my use of the word Republicans in this post and GOP in the previous one. Pence was a very popular governor of Indiana, the people who lived in Indiana loved him. Many more high-profile republicans turned Trump down when it came to his VP offer. Pence accepting was a big surprise to many political pundits. Pence was Trump’s fifth or sixth choice. I don’t think many Republicans thought Trump would win in 2016 to include Trump himself. I think Trump wanted to use the Republican nomination for a higher contract from TV and higher ratings for his reality TV show. I never watched his show, I don’t even know what it was about. I don’t care for reality TV at all preferring historical, biography and sci-fi.

I think what Democrats think of Pence is irrelevant. They’re not going to vote for him or for any republican candidate even if that candidate was mother Terresa. That’s just the way it is. Same for Republican not voting for any democrat. For me, it’s all about what independents think, especially since they make up 40% of the electorate today as the two major party’s bases continue to shrink. Independents have risen from 30% in 2006 up to 42% if Gallup and pew research are to be believed.

What do I think of Pence? I placed him in the has been, irrelevant category, his political career is done. He’s basically a non-entity to me.