Originally Posted by pdx rick
How is the GOP any different from any of these disinformation outlets? The GOP have become a front for a terrorist organization called MAGA with its lies and stroking fear and hatred in their quest for power to control the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of U.S. Government.

They're not. At least the MAGA republicans aren't.

The Maga republicans, although currently a minority, along with FOX is one powerful entity. I have been watching FOX lately just to see for myself what lies they are telling. It is pathetic, I agree! But, I can see how some people can believe what FOX is feeding them. They are spoon fed this misinformation regularly and after a while, they get brainwashed into believing it. People have to get their news from various sources, but when you only watch the liars, they start believing them.

Todays MAGA republicans and FOX will be the ruin of this country. Many people seem to think the threat is over, but I think it's just beginning. I think we may be near the end of the beginning of this assault on democracy, turning it into an autocracy.

Most people think that the MAGA crowd will shrink away to nothing, but I think along with FOX's help with their free speech (lies) assault on our democracy, our democracy is doomed. I know people that vote MAGA akthough it is against their own interests. Unbelievable.

Sorry for the doom and gloom, but that's how I see the future of our country. It will be a miracle if we can hold on to this democracy. I fear that in the next 20 years, the experiment will be over. Failed!

Oh, BTW, I just saw a poll showing that Trump is gaining popularity over DeSantis 58% - 17%.