Putin is terrified of assassination

That's the Russian version of transfer of power. Sort of like getting in to work and being called to HR, only to be escorted out of the building by security. The idea is to prevent any sabotage on the way out. So out the window he goes, before he can start WW III.

I think it's inevitable.

Speaking of peaceful transfer of power, now that Disney out-lawyered DeSantis he's weaponizing state government to throw a tantrum. He wants an investigation on various bogus points over what the special district board did after he attempted to wrest control over Disney's media content for criticizing his "Don't Say Gay" campaign. I think he's touched the Third Rail of Florida politics. Trying to hold a huge media company hostage and deny their freedom of speech is going to backfire bigtime. Not to mention Disney is the largest employer in Florida, and used to make a lot of political contributions.