District Judge Terry Doughty issued an injunction on the 4th of July (...guess he chose to miss his family's BBQ) blocking the Biden administration from communicating with the social media platforms at all regarding disinformation.

The Biden Administration was sued on the theory that Administration coerced and/or conspired with social media platforms to censor conservative messages and speakers. They claim that this turned Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube into government actors, and so when they booted, downgraded, or appended notes to anti-vax content, it violated the First Amendment.

Judge Doughty, a Trump appointee, has previously issued nationwide injunctions against the Biden administration's ban on new federal leases for oil and gas drilling, as well as its vaccine mandate for healthcare workers.

Doughty wrote in his opinion:

"It is quite telling that each example or category of suppressed speech was conservative in nature. This targeted suppression of conservative ideas is a perfect example of viewpoint discrimination of political speech. American citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country,"

In other words, Doughty states that the Biden Administration targeted conservatives because conservatives are the ones known to promote false claims and conspiracy theories on social media.

You see, when social media sites contact the federal agencies like the CDC for accurate health information, and the government says "no, horse dewormer is a not an effective treatment for COVID," that violates the free rights of people who want to claim horse dewormer kills viruses and then can't because Facebook downranks their posts.

Conservatives get so grrrrrrrr mad about the downranking of their asinine "theories” and misinformation that they promote on social media - what passes for conservative speech today, is mostly crackpot ideology dressed up to appear normal.

It is also quite telling that Doughty conflates batcrap crazy ideas and conservatism. Sometimes Rwingers inadvertently tell the truth.