Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Great story: Wedding Officient Shoots His Grandson

The part I love is he said the gun was going to be used to "summon the bride". What kind of hellhole marriage are we looking at here? Reminds of the Simpsons episode where Homer gets a handgun. Then he uses it for everything, like turning off lights, TV, etc. They never thought to have him point it at Marge, so she fetches him a beer.
A number of years back BC (Before Covid), my wife and I were watching morning news on CNN when a story came on about a plane crash in India. It seems that the flight was brought down by "celebratory gunfire" at a wedding. 13 people were killed in the crash. I admit to us laughing at the grisly irony.

On sober reflection, I said, "how awful that 13 people died in making us laugh." My wife's response, "Really. One or two would have been sufficient."

NWP, you're a sick puppy.