First, The Media. I can remember when the heads of a variety of media outlets were all, literally, delighted with Trump. I remember one who referred to Trump as "somebody who consistently can increase income" (and that was just for starters). Basically, we have to deal with Trump because of the medium. I have come to the conclusion that they are seriously responsible for Trump and his cult. Trump has figured out, for instance, how to get exposure for free. If truth was told Trump is because media thinks he is good for their bottom line (and little else). I am actually not sure that media is not responsible for some of the damage Trump has done to individuals. Given that we have lots of ambulance chasers out there we will find out eventually as they would never leave something like that one go without a try.

My problem with it all is that the Democrats simply do not seem to be interested in fighting back. I don't know if they think its not worth the trouble, etc. or that they are just plain lazy. The Republicans, for instance, will get stuff on TV every day, without fail. The Democrats do not seem to get the same degree of attention. Its as if the Democrats, unlike Trump, are really not all that interesting. Its also why what Biden has managed to get done is not explained to those who are currently incredibly, and dangerously ignorant.

I personally fear a Trump run presidency. He tells everybody what he is going to do but those who are ignorant just ignore the facts and love that which is not only factual but flat out lies. When TV talks about this they too seem to wonder why that is. The fact is that the ignorant are ignorant because nobody has taken the trouble to explain the truth so that they can understand. My current hope is that a couple of the things that Trump is in court for actually gets dealt with which may help the ignorant even a little bit. If anybody is going to do that it should be the Democrats. Every day they should expose one or more lies and falsehoods from the night before. If nothing else that much might help and Trump gives them all they need from the previous nights lies and silly. Right now the man lies and is simply ignored by the Democrats because they all know that they are lies and that's as far as it goes.