...Docters are confident that I will fully recover...
Godspeed with your physical recovery
Doug. You have always overcome obstacles and I admire that about you.
You're VERY welcome
Doug for the help. I love
Reader Rant and equally love being a participant. You created this site
Doug. You had the foresight for bringing a group of strangers together to discuss politics of the day way back 30 years ago in 1994. CHB and
RR are YOUR vision.
Recently on another blog,
Emptywheel, there was a discussion about the oldest blog on the 'net. No one in that group really knew. I proudly chimed in and introduced "newspaper man"
Doug Thompson and CHP and
RR to the group in the comment's section. A moderator there confirmed what I stated by citing CHB on

Emptywheel focuses on national security issues and a lot of legal beagles offer analysis there).
If it were not for journalists like
Doug, we Americans would never know what liberties are being taken from us. Indeed, journalists telling the truth is revolutionary. Thank you for CHB and