Originally Posted by jgw
Then our Democratic president - Silent Joe Biden, had a MUCH shorter talk about how Trump was being mean about our laws, etc. He never called Trump on any of his lies, you know, the one, for instance, that says that he is responsible for the millions of bad people coming into the United States because its all his fault. He left out the part that TRUMP is responsible, TRUMP was the guy who made sure by forbidding the Republican house to NOT support their own bill, that they wrote, about taking care of our southern border thereby making sure that troubles in our south continue.

You may be encouraged by this:
Biden blames Trump, GOP for leaving him ‘no choice’ on asylum order

"President Biden on Tuesday blamed former President Trump and Republicans for leaving him with no choice but to act on curbing the influx of migrants at the U.S.-southern border.

The president, in remarks from the White House, said he is “moving past Republican obstruction” to act on his own and announce the order, which will be in effect when the seven-day average of daily border crossings exceeds 2,500 between ports of entry.

“Frankly, I would have preferred to address this issue through bipartisan legislation, because that’s the only way to actually get the kind of system we have now that’s broken, fixed. To hire more Border Patrol agents, more asylum officers, more judges. But, Republicans left me no choice,” Biden said.

He called the bipartisan border bill negotiated in the Senate, which Republicans blocked twice, “the strongest border security agreement in decades” and blamed Trump for its failure.

“Republicans in Congress, not all, walked away from it. Why? Because Donald Trump told them to,” the president said. “He told the Republicans… that he didn’t want to fix the issue; he wanted to use it to attack me. That’s what he wanted to do. It was a cynical, extremely cynical political move. And a complete disservice to the American people who are looking for us, not to weaponize the border but to fix it.”