All this, being true, yet Joe just may lose to somebody who was declared, after the last Trump presidency, four years ago, the worst president in the history of the United States of America. Something is very, very, wrong.

If this is true one would think there is some way to fix it but the truth seems that's not going to happen. Biden tells us that the upper 10% only pay 8% in taxes. When he tries to fix it he fails. This is just the tip of the iceberg and the story goes on and on. Apparently nobody cares about such stuff. Perhaps our real problem is that we no longer give a damn? We have a congressional house, for instance, that has done less, for longer, than any other congressional house in the history of the nation. I also learned that we have, however, doubled the amount of rules and regulations in the last few years. (it was in a book and I would tell which one if I remembered - I failed. I did, however, search for "book that explains an increase in american rules and regulations". There are a LOT of books on that one). If that is true then that, perhaps, is what is the basis for the problem.

I keep thinking that there has to be some kind of reason for the utter lack of reason.