When one peels back all the rationalizations and all the defenses of Trump given by MAGA-heads, there is only one conclusion, it's the obvious bigotry which appeals to MAGA and drives their support for Trump.

Consider this ... every Republican who ran for president had the same policy agenda as Trump, and yet none of them survived the primaries. Why? Because they didn't either subtlety or outright make it known bigotry drives the Republican BASE. Gov DaSantis, in my opinion had the best shot since he already had weaponized the state against everything MAGA hates, which should have been very appealing to these bigots but it wasn't. Why? Because he wouldn't outright say it. He kept hedging the reasoning in legalese. All he had to do was say it loud and proud and I think he may have won. In my estimation he would be a better choice than Trump since Da Santis would at least not destroy Democracy, but would try and use it to implement a MAGA agenda.

It's sad so many would sacrifice Democracy to get a political result they want. As every high profile Republican/conservative commentator has said in the last 20 years ... they just can't sell their product.