I haven’t seen the democrats come up with any coherent plan to oppose Trump
I don't think you nor political pundits, who have said the same thing, are looking at this correctly. This government has all the appearances of a monarchy/dictatorship in which the government is Trump. There is no policy dispute because everything is by fiat (EO). The only recourse is to hope the courts will address the issues. So it is not up to the Democrats to oppose fiats. Once House Trumpists propose legislation, the Democrats can rebut the most odious ideological proposals with rational/reasonable solutions. But even then, it does not of necessity mean they oppose Trump, because the House and Trump may be at odds, complicating the issues on who or what Democrats are opposing and providing solutions. Trump world is chaos without inherent order.
I think you as well as a large number of pundits are confusing denial of a loss with disbelief so many people would vote against Democracy. I am in disbelief and confounded that my assertions that the electorate is stupid/ignorant may have been understated. I have to conclude Americans as a whole no longer believe Democracy as an idea is valuable.
They need to come up with a leader, a fresh, younger face to coalesce around. Someone with new and fresh ideas.
I agree. I used to listen to several right wing radio talk shows and all of them stated at various times conservatism could not be sold to the masses. They needed someone who could formulate a message and sell it. Instead for the last 40 years they found Gingrich and who sold his message of hate.
I knowingly believe liberalism will win in the end. The inertia of social evolution will eventually crush those who can not or simply refuse to adapt. It is a fact of nature. It may not be in my lifetime, but it will happen. Unfortunately at this time finding a voice to speak plain sense may not bend the trajectory of Trumpism. Foremost would be the simple fact the gangsters running our country will not go willingly. They will implement every roadblock to free and fair future elections, if they even allow them. Think of Ukraine. They should have had elections last year but in a time of war, with constant bombing, an election would be difficult at best. Should Trump declare martial law under whatever specious pretense crosses his feeble narcissistic brain, we may not see an election for many years. Congressional Trumpists and quisling Republicans would be complicit. And if anyone doesn't think that can happen .... well they haven't been paying attention to what's going on.
the most important issues of inflation, rising prices, illegal immigration which topped the list of issues in last years election.
First rising prices and inflation are the same thing and second all MAGA conflates illegal and legal immigration as illegal/evil. But you are correct these two issues were the main issues.
They should have been addressed but weren't and I think there were a number of folks who commented on it. However, when I've explained the concept of capitalism and it's relationship to inflation to non-MAGA Trump supporters, they understood it, but when explaining to MAGA, they didn't get it. Hard to convince the masses. The immigration issue has been so conflated for a long time by propaganda media sites, I find it useless to try and explain. Too frakking stupid AND we may be facing a global trend toward extremist right wing hatred, which is and will be difficult to combat. How does one erase bigotry in one generation? In my youth I thought it would be gone in 3 generations ... ahhh to be so idealistically young again.
The Biden/Harris administration was rated as failures when it came to those issues by most Americans.
On these issues ... yes an abject failure, but on others better than average considering the results.
America can survive bad policies. It cannot survive destruction of the foundations of Democracy.