Mainstream political pundits I believe are in complete denial. They keep talking about how the courts will stop the assault on Democracy. Delusional .... they are all delusional.

What does a future dictator do when legally elected? He gets frustrated with the courts and legislature, and simply short circuits the process by granting himself all the power he needs to function as a dictator. The examples of what he is doing are many. Already the courts are becoming clogged with suits halting his EO's. He has now limited the WH press pool to selected outlets - I suspect all will be propaganda networks ... does it sound familiar ... Germany ... Russia .... N Korea etc. He has now sided with the axis of evil and in doing so has made America a pariah internationally. He and Putin are trying to partition Ukraine ... does it sound familiar? Trump led Congress has become a rubberstamp ... does that sounds familiar? When court cases finally get to the SC, they will either side with him or deny him. If they deny him and it is important he will snap and simply ignore them ... after all they have no enforcement mechanism AND they have already given their imprimatur to "official acts" as legal and non criminal.

For MAGA all of this is added value, but for rational Democracy loving folks (the few who remain) we will in our lifetime have seen the demise of Democracy. I'm apoplectic and can not continue typing.