If aerosols were the main route of infection, then countries where everybody wears masks would not have lower infection rates. Because aerosols go right through even N95 masks completely unimpeded. Contact tracers analyzed 75,000 cases of transmission in China, and found zero cases where aerosol transmission occurred. I've read papers where they talk about finding viral RNA floating in the air of hospital rooms, or rooms where workers remove PPE, but they found zero cultural virus! You have to be careful reading such papers because being outside of a droplet and exposed to air denatures competent viruses into RNA fragments that are detected by PCR, but are not infectious. PCR is a lot easier than culturing viruses and running plaque assays, but quite often is not the right assay for what they are investigating.

Certainly aerosol transmission does occur, when superspreaders are inside with poor ventilation and in crowds without masks. I remember one paper talking about an indoor wedding reception where everybody at tables adjacent to a spreader got infected, hardly anybody two tables away, and nobody at the other tables. They were all in there talking, dancing, eating, etc. for hours and if aerosol transmission was significant, more people far away from that spreader would have gotten infected. But the infected were within droplet range.

Biden’s covid numbers are no better than Trumps. One can make the argument that Trump was more proactive and managed the crises better, in spite of himself, than Biden.

Yes, if one completely ignored exponential spread, the politicization of anti-vax and anti-mask efforts, governors proclaiming public health efforts illegal, people deciding they are tired of being careful, etc. But one would have to be a troll to do that. The one good thing Trump did regarding SARS-COV2 was to see that vaccine development had enough money to remove the risk of doing all required steps in parallel, and that resulted in the vaccines you seem to despise.