I consider student loans to be a shining example of complete failure of both state and national taxing districts. Education is necessary and that includes university level students. If the nation fails in that we will not win and the nation that does will. China, right now, is producing a lot more university trained than we are by a large degree. Virtually every other industrialized nation in the world understands this. If a student qualifies for university, and wants to go, the state takes care of that. The United States, however, has a plan which involves loaning enough money for the student to graduate and then keeps that student in debt for the rest of their lives. (except for the luck and the rich).

That means that we are going to have a lot of university graduates who are REALLY pissed off, and unhappy and, I suspect, easy pickings for folks looking for such (which tends to make me a bit nervous about the future). I know several and they are not happy campers. Then some goto work where they have also hired Indians, etc. to help and they find out that the Indians were put through university by their country. We keep being told we are the greatest, richest nation every to be and we are behaving like that and that is not good on any number of levels.

I personally know of several doctors who just said "to hell with it" and moved to Canada and plan to never return. I know of one heart specialist who, with her husband, saved 100,000.00 to pay on the debt and it didn't even cover the interest debt. She moved to Canada with her husband who was also a doctor but taught in Canada, graduated, spent 4 years working for the Canadian government who then forgave all debt. I think we actually had something like that but, obviously no more although I am not sure about that.