Most folks are under the perceptions that all politicians lie. Exaggerate, tell half truths when not flat out lying, take things out of context etc. Trust in politicians are now below used car salesmen. That is unless it’s my guy, my party, then whatever they say is gospel. But for most it like the old joke, “How can you tell a politician is lying?” His lips are moving.

Most folks don’t get a bit upset when a politician lies. They expect that, accept it. Most just brush it off. What this has led to is a total lack of trust in governmental institution. Only 27% nowadays have either a lot or a fair amount of trust in the SCOTUS. 8% in congress, 26% in the presidency. For other organizations, institutions, they’re included in this link.

All this lying has eroded confidence in our public institution and in our own government we elect. Good luck on your law. Perhaps because of all the lying and our acceptance of the lies, trust in our own government that we the people elect and send to Washington to govern over us is down to 16%.