For eleven years, showrunner Mark Burnett beamed a Hollywood-made for TV character of a savvy, strong business leader into our homes every Thursday Night as a television reality show named "The Apprentice."

In reality, the host of the show was a failed, weak businessman with six business bankruptcies under his belt even then. Trump the successful businessman is a Hollywood reality TV-show concoction. Rightwingers thought it was all real.

Trump's tenure as POTUS was no better. Trump, a racist at heart who couldn't stand an intellgent, talented, black man POTUS named Barack Obama, overshadowing him. Trump did everything he could to undermine Obama's legacy by attempting to erase programs and policies of Obama's time as POTUS.

Trump as POTUS was a blatant vulgarian, an incessant prevaricator, and a dangerous world leader who was ousted at the end of his term. During his term, Trump was incapable of delivering a sensitive, unifying speech on anything. During COVID, Trump's administration made the C19 crisis exponentially worse than it should have been. Trump’s failures of governance during COVID greatly outweigh the positive steps he took during that time in scope and number.

While POTUS and shortly thereafter his term ended, Trump committed many crimes that he believes today he is immune from. Trump's attorney's argued before that 11th Appellate Court that a POTUS could direct Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival and be immune from proscecuation. THAT is pretty sick thinking, but that is how Trump thinks.

Currently, the GOP is looking to put this criminal incompetent orange clown back into Office, validating the fact that today’s GOP is little more than a criminal protection racket to shelter one man, Donald Trump.

Joe Biden, the man who replaced Trump as POTUS, is running for re-election. Biden has done a good job as POTUS. Ol' Joe has signed more legislation into office than most POTUS' in the past 40 years. But Joe is not without flaws. Cruelty and dehumanization of others is not any of Joe's flows. Those flaws belong to Trump and are Donald Trump’s modus operandi.

Trump and Biden are set for a re-match in November 2024. America's democracy will not stand if the wanna-be authoritarian dictator, Donald Trump, who demands loyalty to him from those surrounding him, gets back into office.