I never understood how Christians - especially Evangelical Christians - can support Trump. After all, the guy is an adjudicated sexual assaulter and adjudicated business fraudster, with 91-grand jury indictments. That goes against everything in the Christian Bible and Christian teachings. My opinion was that Evangelicals are just naive.

On Sunday night, February 25, 2024, I heard a broadcast of On The Media on NPR. OTM is an hour-long weekly radio program hosted and edited by Brooke Gladstone. Part of that broadest dealt with Seven Mountains Dominionism. It was a real eye opener for me.

Seven Mountain Dominionism holds that there are seven aspects of society that believers seek to influence: family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government. SMD is a brand of Christian fundamentalism that has mostly flown under the radar - until the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are children.

Seven Mountain Dominonists believe that it is their mission to influence the world through these seven spheres is justified by Isaiah 2:2 "Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains."

Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker, a Seven Mountains Dominionist, wrote a concurring opinion in the IVF ruling that sought to define the “sanctity of unborn life,” citing heavily from scripture and theology. When a judicial decision is filled with Biblical scripture - there is no separation of Church and State. Parker has also openly criticized other judges for not sufficiently considering religion in their rulings. Parker has for years been lauded by abortion foes and condemned by reproductive rights advocates for writing opinions that would help spawn the fall of Roe and further restrict abortion access. Parker repeatedly invoked scripture in his ruling, arguing that Alabama law is based on theology that says God created every person “in His image.” He and the other justices in the 8-1 majority said that life begins at conception and that therefore frozen embryos are protected under the law.

“Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God,” Parker wrote in his concurring opinion. He added that state code recognizes “unborn human life,” and that destroying it – including frozen embryos – is an affront to God.

“All human beings bear the image of God, and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing his glory,” he wrote. Parker also referred to the writings of a 17th-century theologian as evidence that people were created in God’s image.

It doesn't matter to the religionists who gets them their Christian-based U.S. law - even if it is an adjudicated sexual assaulter and adjudicated business fraudster, with 91-grand jury indictments - all these religionists need is one POTUS to get them there. Trump is their guy. Trump has already delivered the Supreme Court to them.

It turns out that it is me, who is the naive one, when it comes to Christian evangelicals and Trump.