That's what I feared is happening. What this means is that we have a congressional house where EVERYBODY needs to be replaced! Reason is simple, they are stuck and cannot do their jobs. The people on both sides who are actually willing to talk to the other side should probably setup another group. They could call it something like; Politicians Trying to Do Their Jobs I know, its not gonna happen but it would be good if they would. I think the other problem is that each side, in either party, fears the loons and jerks. Its truly a shame. Its a shame for the voters who screwed up, its a shame for the members of the congress who could actually do their jobs if they actually tried and didn't fear the wrath of their crazys, etc.

It would also be nice if our media actually reported who might, or might not, actually work with folks of like mind in the other side. Maybe all they need is a little push?

As an aside the Republicans are going to now try and pass a bill to take care of the southern border even though they have one which was put together by both sides that Trump forbid to get done. One would think that they might take a run at going after their existing loons and crazies. The republicans are so crazy they are going to ignore the bill that would give them both laurels and, instead, prove that they are all jackasses.